Muziq - Music Band & Musician Template


1. Theme And Plugin Update

2. Update twitter in template

3. Visual Composer License

1. Theme And Plugin Update

Please go to and download latest version of our theme

Please follow this video to update our theme in your website.

2. Update twitter in template

First, please update script in: \muziq\scripts\vendor\twitterFetcher_min.js. Please copy last version of script and paste it in current file from:

Then go to \muziq\scripts\main.js go to Twitter section.

The default code:

function twitterfeed() {  
      var config5 = {
        "id": '702067549920485376',
        "domId": 'twitter-feed',
        "maxTweets": 4,
        "enableLinks": true,
        "showUser": true,
        "showTime": true,
        "dateFunction": '',
        "showRetweet": false,
        "customCallback": handleTweets,
        "showInteraction": false

Change it to:

function twitterfeed() {
      var config5 = {
        "profile": {"screenName": 'type your username here without @'},
        "domId": 'twitter-feed',
        "maxTweets": 4,
        "enableLinks": true,
        "showUser": true,
        "showTime": true,
        "dateFunction": '',
        "showRetweet": false,
        "customCallback": handleTweets,
        "showInteraction": false

3. Visual Composer License

If you have Visual Composer with a theme which you’ve purchased from ThemeForest, then you don’t need to activate it.

Please see this link: