EPIC - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme


1. Stop preload in blog and single post

2. Visual Composer License

3. Theme And Plugin Update

4. How To Order Section (Page)

5. Google Maps Errors

6. Stop slide when one slide image

7. Custom Color

1. Stop preload in blog and single post

You change in header.php:

<header class="ip-header <?php echo ($jellythemes['loader'] ? 'disabled' : ''); ?>">


<header class="ip-header <?php echo ((is_single() || is_home()) ? 'disabled' : ''); ?> <?php echo ($jellythemes['loader'] ? 'disabled' : ''); ?>">

2. Visual Composer License

If you have Visual Composer with a theme which you’ve purchased from ThemeForest, then you don’t need to activate it.

Please see this link: http://themeforest.net/forums/thread/visual-composer-licence-key/133679

3. Theme And Plugin Update

Please go to http://themeforest.net/downloads and download latest version of our theme

Please follow this video to update our theme in your website.

4. How To Order Section (Page)

To order section (page), please using order in Page Attributes. Please check the screenshot below to understand it better.

Image credit: wpbeginner.com

5. Google Maps Errors

Please create google key here: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key

The google maps script will available in:

For Epic - Storm - Build: \inc\functions.frontend.php

For Solido: \solido\footer.php

                array('jquery'),false,true );

Then add the key like:

                array('jquery'),false,true );

For Elixir: \inc\functions.shortcodes.php line 253

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?key=put-your-key-here"></script>

Then check your website again.

6. Stop slide when one slide image

Please open this file:

epic-jellythemes/js/default.js line 200

The default code will look like:

/* Home background slider */
            autoPlay: 3500,
            navigation: true,
            goToFirst: true,
            goToFirstSpeed: 2000,
            slideSpeed: 700,
            pagination: true,
            transitionStyle: "fade",
            singleItem: true,

Change it to:

/* Home background slider */
            autoPlay: $("#owl-main .item").length>1 ? 3500 : false,
            navigation: true,
            goToFirst: true,
            goToFirstSpeed: 2000,
            slideSpeed: 700,
            pagination: true,
            transitionStyle: "fade",
            singleItem: true,

Then check your site again

7. Custom Color

Go to


Create a new file name: custom-color.css and copy style from black.css file to new file.

Then change all the hex color code to your color. The new file will look like below:

#owl-main .owl-controls .owl-page.active span, #owl-main .owl-controls.clickable .owl-page:hover span, .carousel-wrapper.with_pagination.round_inner .owl-theme .owl-controls .owl-page.active span {
a.close.top {background: url(../../images/close/blacks-close-project.png) no-repeat;}
.ip-header .ip-loader svg path.ip-loader-circle {stroke: your-hex-color-code-here;}
.project-info h4:after {background: your-hex-color-code-here;}
.project-info .btn2 {color: your-hex-color-code-here;}
.section .text strong, a {color:your-hex-color-code-here;}
.section .title {border-color:your-hex-color-code-here;}
#header .menu-item.current a, #header .menu-item a:hover {border-bottom-color:your-hex-color-code-here;}
#header .menu-item.current .sub-menu a {border-bottom-color: transparent;}
#header .menu-item.current .sub-menu a:hover {border-bottom-color: your-hex-color-code-here;}
.options-head {background: your-hex-color-code-here; }
.carousel-wrapper.with_buttons .owl-controls .owl-buttons div,.carousel-wrapper.with_buttons .owl-controls .owl-buttons div.owl-next {background-color: your-hex-color-code-here; }
.carousel-wrapper.full .generic-carousel .owl-item .ulitem li .icon {background: your-hex-color-code-here; }
.carousel-wrapper.with_pagination .owl-controls .owl-page.active span, .carousel-wrapper.with_pagination .owl-controls.clickable .owl-page:hover span {background: your-hex-color-code-here; }
.team-wrapper .team-member .hover .name {color: your-hex-color-code-here;}
.team-wrapper .team-member .hover .hover-border, .post .tags a {border-color:your-hex-color-code-here;}
.folio-filter li a.selected, .folio-filter li a:hover {
.portfolio-dark-overlay {background:your-hex-color-code-here;}
.section .button:hover, .section .button.playstop, .contact-form .submit, .section .button.inverse, .post .date {border-color:your-hex-color-code-here;}
#footer .thanks, #testimonials, #our-story{background-color: your-hex-color-code-here; }
.slide-sep, .section .ball, .comment-reply-link, #respond input[type=submit] {background: your-hex-color-code-here;}

Then go to:


Find color or go to line 820, you will see the code below:

    'type' => 'select',
    'title' => __('Theme color scheme', 'jellythemes'),
    'subtitle' => __('Select your themes alternative color scheme.', 'jellythemes'),
    'options' => array('blue'=>'Blue',
    'default' => 'red',

Add your new custom color in here, it will similar new code below:

    'type' => 'select',
    'title' => __('Theme color scheme', 'jellythemes'),
    'subtitle' => __('Select your themes alternative color scheme.', 'jellythemes'),
    'options' => array('blue'=>'Blue',
                        'custom-color'=>'Custom Color',
    'default' => 'red',

Now, you can change to new color in theme option, please make sure you save it because it will lose when you update our theme.