  Public Ticket #1054231
how to add slider


  •   FRANCIS started the conversation
  •  857
    Jelly replied


    You will need duplicate this code:

    <!-- SLIDE  -->
     <li data-index="rs-61" data-transition="slideoverhorizontal" data-slotamount="7"  data-easein="default" data-easeout="default" data-masterspeed="1500"  data-thumb="images/demo/slider-home/11-320x160.jpg"  data-rotate="0"  data-saveperformance="off"  data-title="Title 11" data-description="Description 11" data-param1="11 / 11">
     <!-- MAIN IMAGE -->
     <img src="images/demo/slider-home/11.jpg"  alt=""  data-bgposition="center bottom" data-bgfit="cover" data-bgrepeat="no-repeat" data-bgparallax="11" class="rev-slidebg" data-no-retina>

    Then increase the data index by + 1. Ex: data-index="rs-60" and when increase it + 1, it will 61 like this: data-index="rs-61".

    Change data-bgparallax="10" to the slider number, if this slider number 11, then you will need change it to 11, next is 12 and so on.

    Change data-param1="11 / 11" to the current slider and it's the same number with data-bgparallax. In data-param1, the first number is the number of slider and the last number is total sliders number. If you have 15 sliders, then it will need update to 15 for the number total sliders, the example:

    data-param1="1 / 4"
    data-param1="2 / 4"
    data-param1="3 / 4"
    data-param1="4 / 4"

    I hope it's clearly for you now.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team