  Public Ticket #1147862
Video Page Editing


  • Leslie started the conversation

    Hi. I now have a video page I am working on for my homepage. I have the "Page Video Slider" Template selected and the youtube link pasted in and it works great. But now I can not add any other elements to the page. I have tried to use visual composer, both front end and back end, as well as the regular wordpress editor and nothing seems to add anything to the page. I want more sections under the video on my page as demonstrated in the demo but I can not seem to accomplish that. Thank you for your help. 

  •  862
    Jelly replied


    Please check our explain below.

    1. For one page version:

    • You will need create homepage.
    • Create another page like About – Contact – ect …
    • In Parent choose homepage you wish.

    Example: if you want a slider default, you will need use Page Photo Slider Template -> Setup your images in Slider option and it's call Home Page.

    To add about page under home page, you will need create about page -> select home page become parent page of about page, then add your content in here.

    Please note the home page template (Page Photo Slider, Page Video Slider, ect...) not print any elements from visual composer. It just print the slider option only.

    2. For multiple pages version:

    • Create new page with parent page template.
    • Create another page like child page to include the content.
    • In child page choose parent page you wish to display content for this parent page.
    • Create menu with link is parent page link.

    I hope it's clearly for you now.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Leslie replied


    This does not seem to solve my problem. 

    I am wanting more than just a video on my home page. 

    I want more content to appear beneath the video, as demonstrated in the demo. 

    I have tried making a homepage with the video, and then creating a second page and saying the homepage is its parent, however that doesn't do anything. The homepage does not have anything beneath the video.

    I want more information on the homepage, so that when vistors scroll below the video, there is more content, as demonstrated in the demo. 

    Thank you for your help. I am new with this slider stuff. 

  •  862
    Jelly replied


    So you want setup home video background? I can help you do it with an example, please provide wplogin and website address in your site.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  •   Leslie replied privately
  •  862
    Jelly replied


    I see your setup now, you can't use template page for home page for child page under other template page, it's impossible to do.

    I've added more content in about page to correct it, please check it.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Leslie replied

    So how do I get my home page to look like the demo?

  • Leslie replied

    Can I have the demo homepage template please?

  •  862
    Jelly replied


    I can import it for you, but I will need reset your website to process it. It's ok?

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Leslie replied

    Will that delete the work I have done?

  •  862
    Jelly replied


    Unfortunately, it will remove all current data. If it's difficult to your decision, so maybe you can help me know what the part difficult to understand for you?

    When you have home page and I've setup about page for you, other page will work like about page.

    Create child page (A) -> Choose parent page to home -> Add content to your child page (to your A page), then it will show up in your home page.

    The multiple version little difference, Create parent page (A) -> Create child page (B) -> Add content to your child page (B) -> To check the content layout, you must need use parent page link (link of parent page A).

    Maybe it will help you understand our theme a little.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team