  Public Ticket #1262029
Slider not working properly


  • Paulo Cardoso started the conversation


    I've just renewed support with you because an old client has asked me for some changes on their Elixir-based website. In the first version of the website, the client didn't require me to use a proper slider – just a static image on the front page. But now, I need to use three different images in rotation, so I went to edit the main slider in the homepage but it's not working properly. So far, I'm just testing it on the German version of the website (it is translated in 5 languages), which corresponds to the link I've sent you in this form.

    The problem: the slider just goes through the first two images and the buttons to go to next/previous image are not working. Can you tell me what's causing this error?

    Website Link: Faz Gostos (German version)


  • Paulo Cardoso replied

    Hello again.

    I see you've been answering other tickets since I first posted mine yesterday – is there any estimate of when you'll give me an answer? In this type of scenario I'm used to getting a reply in under 24 hours, and that was a very important factor when I had to decide if I would renew the support or try to fix the problem myself.

    If you don't have time to look at my site, tell me upfront so I can ask for a refund of your support.


  •  862
    Jelly replied


    Sorry for late, maybe you can provide wplogin so I can try take a look in your site? Also, I think the home page in your site will separate because you're using WPML, so it must be work well, but I will try check it for you. Please use private reply to send your information.

    My apologies again for late.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  •   Paulo Cardoso replied privately
  •  862
    Jelly replied


    Maybe I can try change the setting for the language link from: http://fazgostos.com?lang=en to http://fazgostos.com/en?

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Paulo Cardoso replied

    Will it help with the problem?

    Is the url generated by WPML connected in any way to the slider not working properly? If you think it's going to help solve the problem, you're welcome to change it.


  • Paulo Cardoso replied

    Ok, I think I'm beginning to grasp the issue here.

    I've tested a new install on a different server, just to test compatibility with WPML, and the error doesn't happen (that is, the slider works well). However, when I put a single image on the slider, it will blink/flash in the end of the loop. I think I remember having this problem back then (when the client asked for a single image on the slider), and I remember hacking something in order to prevent the blink/flash.

    The problem now is finding out what did I change, because I remember searching for a fix in your old forums and copying the solution from another user. The problem is... I can't access your old forums anymore, so it's not easy to know what did I hack.

    Is there a chance you remember what file did your users use to edit in order to have a single image on the slider, without blinking? Because if I find that file I may be able to undo the hack, and make the slider work with several images, as it is supposed to.

    Thanks in advance

  •  862
    Jelly replied


    Please go to: elixir/js/default.js, go to like 169 you will see something like this:

    /* Home background slider */
        autoPlay: 3500,

    Just change it to:

    /* Home background slider */
        autoPlay: $("#owl-main .item").length>1 ? 3500 : false,

    I hope it's ok for you now.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Paulo Cardoso replied

    It's all good now, I've been following that lead for the past hours and have been able to get what I wanted: working slider for images and static text! 

    You can now close the ticket.
