The installable wordpress file is not available for download from the envato website. I downloaded the package, but within the package, I also cannot find the format which Wordpress will accept. I’ve tried compressing the package and uploading, but still it is not working.
Can you please send me the upload-able file to preciousbyrdbooking@gmail
The installable wordpress file is not available for download from the envato website. I downloaded the package, but within the package, I also cannot find the format which Wordpress will accept. I’ve tried compressing the package and uploading, but still it is not working.
Can you please send me the upload-able file to preciousbyrdbooking@gmail
Derek Williams
931.551.6321 (USA)
Hello Derek,
You've bought a HTML Template. And you need a WordPress Theme to install on your WordPress server.
If I am wrong please let me know.
Here's an example:
WordPress theme:
HTML Template:
Best Regards,
Jelly Team