  Public Ticket #1521335
Style.CSS problème


  •   Goncalves started the conversation
  • Goncalves replied

    I just put the theme demo, but it does not exist in multipage ? to have menu tabs in other pages like this : 


    because on the demo template, when we click on "View complete menu" there is this error : 

    The requested URL /themes/elixirpackage/expanded-menu/ was not found on this server.

    Thank you

  •  862
    Jelly replied


    What demo are you using? Is it classic american grill restaurant?

    Do you have a link to your demo so I can check?

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Goncalves replied

    I used the xml sample that has in the folder elixirwp, with the "elixir_theme_sample_data.xml" and "elixir_theme_sample_option.txt".

    And I followed the instructions in the index.html in elixirwp/Documentation

  •  862
    Jelly replied

    If you are using Multipage demo pages and want to change View Complete Menu button then you should go to Pages > Menu (child) ( it is located under Home Multipage parent page) > find View complete menĂº and change it's Link.

    If you want to use a Multipage Menu then you should go to Appearance > Menus > Select menu_multipage > Set Display location to Main Menu.

    I am gonna close this ticket.

    Could you please create another ticket in Elixir - Restaurant WordPress Theme because right now it says that you've purchased Elixir - Restaurant HTML Responsive Template.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team