hello! I’ve bought your template and I’m workin on it. I’ve seen that the BIOGRAPHY section is in the website, but it’s not in the main menù. How can I add it? Because I should anchor it to the main menù. And the text in the BIOGRAPHY session is black, the same colour of the background! So it's impossible reading the text
hello! I’ve bought your template and I’m workin on it. I’ve seen that the BIOGRAPHY section is in the website, but it’s not in the main menù. How can I add it? Because I should anchor it to the main menù. And the text in the BIOGRAPHY session is black, the same colour of the background! So it's impossible reading the text
Could you explain or fix it, please?
Could you please give me a link to your website?
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
it is not online, but i am workin in local, using your template and changing only pics and texts!
if you open the folder of you demo, you will see what I'm talking about.
Add this before section id="about-us":
Then add this element to main-menu:
Best Regards,
Jelly Team