  Public Ticket #1638456
I need help


  • Joachim Derschka started the conversation

    Hi, Joe here, a German guy. Got your great muziq-hardrock template which I will use for an musician. Actually, I have not that much knowledge in programming, but I try my very best to get some nice websites.

    I would like to ask you for some help:

    Instead of the “blog” behind the “gallery” button I would like to add another section (Motorsport).

    At the biography (about – button) I have to add areal long text. I don’t know how to add a “read more” button, which can be closed at the end of the text also…

    At the gallery I would like to add video files as you did. Unfortunately it’s not working so far…

    Would be really great if you can give me some help…

    Best regards


  •  862
    Jelly replied


    1. I can't find Motorsport section. Could you please send me a screenshot? Or do you need to change menu item link https://tppr.me/QE7WM?

    2. There is no option for that, i am afraid.

    3. Instead of https://www.youtube.com/embed/MkH2FdVOg-Y could you please try this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkH2FdVOg-Y?

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Joachim Derschka replied


    thanks a lot for your reply and your help. 

    1. <li><a href="#anchor09">Motorsport</a></li> I want to add a new section called motorsport (simular to the "about" section) but I don't know how and where I have to add required information/programming.

    2. at your Hard Rock Page at the news section I can click at a button "read more" and also "view less". Can't find that programming....

    3. sorry, doesn't work.... 

  • Joachim Derschka replied

    ups, the video works now...

  • Joachim Derschka replied

    I also solved the second point regarding "read more" and "view less"...

  •  862
    Jelly replied

    Great! Glad that you've solved most of the problems.

    1. Please go to index.html and find

    <section class="section biography inverse-color" id="anchor03">

    Now copy this whole section and paste it after Gallery. After change it's id to 


    You can send us FTP access as a private message so I can make this for you.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Joachim Derschka replied


    thanks so much for your help...., was easy to get my request regarding motorsport section fixed up. It' almost perfekt now.

    Actually I added a read more and view less button at the news section. If it's working there it should also work at the biography, isn't it? As I have a long biography text to add, I need that way of "read more".... Do you have any idea?

    Then I would like to change the contact section, specially the links I've added. Instead of the blue color it should be white, spitting all the links into 2 or 3 lines beside each other would be much nicer then just one line, I think.

    Would be great if you can help me again. Are you from Spain? Are there international people working for jellythemes?

    Best regards


  •  862
    Jelly replied


    About Read More. Yes it should work for for biography too.

    About links. Please try this: https://tppr.me/x0LyW. You need to create three columns. Go to /vendor/bootstrap.css line 1312 and check for column widths. col-md-4 should be enough.

    To change links color please use this CSS:

    section.contact a {color: white;}

    We all are from Spain, yes.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Joachim Derschka replied


    thanks a lot for your help. Got most changes done.

    Actually I added a read more and view less button at the news section and also at the biography . It's working at the news section but not at the biography... Do you have any idea?

    I've added a section "races", which is a copy of the "gigs". I don't know how to set up the new background photo.

    Another question: at the "album" section there are yellow dots below the visible albums where I can turn further to see all of the albums. Not easy to understand for visitor of the page. Is it possible to add an arrow at the left and right site, so I can browse more easily through all the covers?

    And I would like to make it possible to change the page into different languages (German / English). So I should add little flaggs on top of the page to choose the language by cklicking...

    Hope not to much questions??? Would be grat if you can help me again. The page is getting better and better, my friend Victor Smoski is really happy with the new designd website.

    Thanks a lot


  •  862
    Jelly replied

    Actually I added a read more and view less button at the news section and also...

    Please check how it works for the news https://tppr.me/B83bS. You need to add this code as well:

    <section class="section news-window"> <div class="news-content"></div><!-- AJAX Dinamic Content --> </section>

    I've added a section "races", which is a copy of the "gigs". I don't know how to set up the new background photo.

    Please check how it works for biography. You need this CSS:

    .biography {
      background-size: cover;
      background-position: center center;
    .section.biography {
      background-image: url('../images/demo/bg-biography.jpg');

    Please do the same for races class.

    Another question: at the "album" sectio...

    There is no an easy way to add arrows, I am afraid. But you can change dot color https://tppr.me/woZCE with this code:

    .discography li.dot {background-color: #e0e0e0;}

    And I would like to make it possible to change the...

    With WordPress themes it's quite easy but not with templates. The only solution is to copy template in two folders so one folder contains texts in English and the other in German. And you'll have to translate every text in German manually.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Joachim Derschka replied

    Hi thanks for your infos....

    Can't get these 2 problems solved - don't know where to add infos:

    I've added a section "races", which is a copy of the "gigs". I don't know how to set up the new background photo.

    Please check how it works for biography. You need this CSS:

    .biography {  background-size: cover;  background-position: center center;
    .section.biography {  background-image: url('../images/demo/bg-biography.jpg');

    Please do the same for races class.

    Another question: at the "album" section there are yellow dots below....

     But you can change dot color https://tppr.me/woZCE with this code:

    .discography li.dot {background-color: #e0e0e0;}

    can you give me more infos? would be great....

  • Joachim Derschka replied


    hope you had a nice weekend. 

    Got the color changed for the dots....,

    Actually  I cant change the background photo at the race menue...

    At the "about" section I got the "read more" button activated, but I can't put the text about the whole width of the page.

    At the "gig" section the letters below "band" are to big - don't find the place to change that.

    When I have visited the "lessons" section and I click on the "gallery", "motorsport" and "races" buttons, the position will not be exact.

    Would be great if you can help me again....

    Thanks a lot

    best regards


  •  862
    Jelly replied

    Got the color changed for the dots.... – Perfect!

    Actually  I cant change the background photo at the race menue... – Please add this CSS to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS or at the end of /styles/main-hardrock.css. Please also change bg-biography.jpg to your image instead:

    .races {  background-size: cover;  background-position: center center;
    .section.races {  background-image: url('../images/demo/bg-biography.jpg');

    Add this code to Appearance or main-hardrock.css as well:

    .discography li.dot {background-color: #e0e0e0;}

    At the "about" section I got the "read more" button activated, but I can't put the text about the whole width of the page. – It can't be the whole width, I am afraid. You've got two columns: one for image and the second for text.

    At the "gig" section the letters below "band" are to big - don't find the place to change that. – Please use this code:

    .tour-info p.name-tour {font-size: 50px !important}

    When I have visited the "lessons" section and I click on the "gallery", "motorsport" and "races" buttons, the position will not be exact. – Please try removing https://tppr.me/luTNt. Please check the demo: http://jellydemos.com/html/muziq/index.html#anchor06. Do you have the same problem with it?

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Joachim Derschka replied


    thanks for your replay

    Actually  I cant change the background photo at the race menue... – Please add this CSS to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS or at the end of /styles/main-hardrock.css. Please also change bg-biography.jpg to your image instead:

    .races {  background-size: cover;  background-position: center center;
    .section.races {  background-image: url('../images/demo/bg-biography.jpg');

    I want to change the photo behind the dates, not that one just below the microphone

  • Joachim Derschka replied


    also here was not successful

    At the "gig" section the letters below "band" are to big - don't find the place to change that. – Please use this code:

    .tour-info p.name-tour {font-size: 50px !important}

    where should I add the code??

  • Joachim Derschka replied

    When I have visited the "lessons" section and I click on the "gallery", "motorsport" and "races" buttons, the position will not be exact. – Please try removing https://tppr.me/luTNt.

    no change after removing.... it comes back into this position...

  •  862
    Jelly replied

    I want to change the photo behind the dates

    If I understood you right, please go to main-hardrock.css and change:

    section.upcomming-events-list{background-image: url(../images/demo/bg-upcomming-events-list.jpg);}

    At the "gig" section the letters below "band" are to big

    I misunderstood you, sorry about that. Please add this code to main-hardrock.css:

    .upcomming-events-list li .price span {font-size: 28px;}

    When I have visited the "lessons" section and I click on the "gallery", 

    Could you please try our demo http://jellydemos.com/html/muziq/muziq-hardrock/index.html and check if you are experiencing the same problem with any of the sections.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Joachim Derschka replied


    Could you please try our demo http://jellydemos.com/html/muziq/muziq-hardrock/index.html and check if you are experiencing the same problem with any of the sections.

    Yes, when I go to the "shop" section and turn back to the "gallery" it's not in the right position... all others are o.k.

    Actually if I go to the "lessons" section at my website and turn back to "gallery", "motorsport", "races" or "contact" I always come back to the position you see on the photo. All other section are working fine....

  • Joachim Derschka replied

    Hi again

    If I understood you right, please go to main-hardrock.css and change:

    section.upcomming-events-list{background-image: url(../images/demo/bg-upcomming-events-list.jpg);}

    Actually I've copied all the "upcoming event" lines from the index.html and pasted it into the index.html again for the race dates. maybe that's the problem, as I wan't to have the same programming with 2 different background photos...

  •  862
    Jelly replied

    Actually I've copied all the "upcoming event" lines from the index.html and pasted it into 

    You wanted to add a background behind Upcoming Events sections, is it right? As I can see from the code you did it: https://tppr.me/USiZE (the same code I just changed the image URL). Could you please elaborate more?

    I always come back to the position you see on the photo. All other section are working fine....

    Could you please tell me more about "come back" action?

    If you are on the lessons page and you are pressing motorsport then it takes you to this link https://music-and-web.de/Victor%20VS%20Smolski/index.html#anchor09 which contains #anchor09. It can't get you somewhere in the middle because anchor09 is id for motorsport section so every browser will take you to the section: https://tppr.me/zaket

    I just can't repeat this behavior https://music-and-web.de/Victor%20VS%20Smolski/images/demo/test-2.jpg.

    Could you please take a video screencast of the actions and the error?

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Joachim Derschka replied

    is this discription o.k.?

    I've copied all the "upcoming event" lines from the index.html and pasted it into the index.html again for the race dates. maybe that's the problem, as I wan't to have the same programming with 2 different background photos...

  • Joachim Derschka replied

    Could you please tell me more about "come back" action?

    Yes, but I have to go to work now, come back to you this evening...

    Thanks so much for your help!!!!

  •  862
    Jelly replied

    is this discription o.k.?

    Yes, perfect!

    You were right it's because of the same code. So please go to the second Upcoming Events List section https://tppr.me/3lKFo and add some class to it. For example, upcomming-events-list--alt.

    Now go to main-hardrock.css and add this code at the end:

    .section.upcomming-events-list--alt{background-image: url(../images/demo/bg-upcomming-events-list.jpg) !important;}

    Please also change bg-upcomming-events-list.jpg to a motorsport photo.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Joachim Derschka replied


    did everything as you told me but it's looking this way now. Got the new background !!!! yeah, just the date lines got lost...

     <section class="section full-width upcomming-events-list-races inverse-color">


    {background-image: url(../images/demo/bg-upcomming-events-list-races.jpg) !important;

  •  862
    Jelly replied

    Please also add upcomming-events-list to the class as well:

    <section class="section full-width upcomming-events-list upcomming-events-list-races inverse-color">

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Joachim Derschka replied

    thanks a lot - now it works perfekt

    regarding the other theme I will send you infos tomorrow.... work was to much today....

    best regards


  • Joachim Derschka replied


    here some infos for you regarding the "come back" action


  •  862
    Jelly replied

    Can't see the video, I am afraid https://tppr.me/486Cz. Could you please check?

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Joachim Derschka replied

    is it o.k. now?


    In the video I forgot to mention, that the first sections (news, bands, about, albums) are working perfektly while coming back from the "lessons" section

  •  862
    Jelly replied

    Ok great, now I can see it. I've contacted our developers about this issue.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Joachim Derschka replied

    O.k., thanks....

    Here is one more question: actually there is the function to open and close a "read more" section as you see at the photo.

    Is it also possible to get this - open and close - function at the "view all events" at the "live / tour dates" section and at the "load more" section of the gallery?

    Once open, I can't close them, so the website is getting real long to scroll......

    Thanks for your help..

    best regards


  •  862
    Jelly replied

    View all events button should close them, except you need to change js code so it will be visible all the time.

    Go to /scripts/main.js:367. Here you can work with the button.

    You can comment line 370 to make it visible after press.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Joachim Derschka replied


    my knowledge are not that much that I can work with the butoon by myself...

    Can you send me the programming lines I have to add there?

    Thanks for your help


  •  862
    Jelly replied

    About "come back" action. Could you please try found every image and put height and width to it? Please check for more info: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15316412/go-to-anchor-after-loading

    Can you send me the programming lines I have to add there?

    Unfortunately, customizations like these aren't covered by Envato's Support Subscription: https://themeforest.net/page/item_support_policy (What's not included in item support: Item customization). You can find developers that can help you here: https://studio.envato.com/

    Have you tried to comment line 370 to make it visible after press? Maybe it'll be enough.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Joachim Derschka replied

    Have you tried to comment line 370 to make it visible after press? Maybe it'll be enough.

    Actually I don't know how to do that - can you help me???

  •  862
    Jelly replied

    Could you please send us ftp login/password/url to your website as a private message?

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Joachim Derschka replied

    what does privat message means?? sshould I post login data here???

  •  862

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  •   Joachim Derschka replied privately
  • Joachim Derschka replied


    if I open a "read more" button at the news section and also a "view album" button on your original live preview, it will show you the following (see attached photo). 

    I will add a lot of event dates and gallery photos at my new page, also news and biography with lot's of text (read more), so it looks like everything will be confused then....

    Any idea to solve this problem at your programming???

  •  862
    Jelly replied

    Have you tried to comment line 370 to make it visible after press? Maybe it'll be enough.

    I've applied this change so please clean browser's cache and check.

    if I open a "read more" button at the news section

    I've contacted our developer about this issue.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  •   Joachim Derschka replied privately
  •   Joachim Derschka replied privately
  •  862
    Jelly replied

    I got an easy solution now.

    Great idea!

    To remove white line please use this code:

    .section.last-media {border-top: none !important;}

    Actually while scrolling down through all the dates, the section on top change from live, to gallery, motorsport...

    We are working on this problem. Get back to you as soon as possible.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  •   Joachim Derschka replied privately
  •   Joachim Derschka replied privately
  •  862
    Jelly replied

    Test-9. Please use this code:

    .upcomming-events-list li {padding-top: 20px !important;padding-bottom: 20px !important;}
    .upcomming-events-list li div > p {padding-top: 40px !important;padding-bottom: 40px !important;}
    .upcomming-events-list li .buy {padding-top:0 !important; padding-bottom:0 !important}

    Test-10. It will need a high level of customization which we can't provide, I am afraid. Please contact one of developers from https://studio.envato.com/

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  •   Joachim Derschka replied privately
  •  862
    Jelly replied

    Please use this code to change Buy Tickets button:

    .upcomming-events-list li .btn {margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; padding: 10px; height: auto; font-size: 14px;}

    Try different values for the best result.

    Template doesn't have any payment systems built-in. In WordPress you can use WooCommerce to make a shop but I am not familiar how you can do the same with templates. Please find a developer with the needed level of knowledge in this field.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  •   Joachim Derschka replied privately
  •  862
    Jelly replied

    Please use this code:

    .upcomming-events-list li div > p {padding-top: 50px !important; padding-bottom: 50px !important;}

    Change 50px to the appropriate value.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  •  862
    Jelly replied


    I am sorry for the delay. I need FTP access but it says wrong login. Could you please check?

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Joachim Derschka replied


    sorry, it's working again...

  •   Joachim Derschka replied privately
  •  862
    Jelly replied

    Actually while scrolling down through all the dates, the section on top change from live, to gallery, motorsport, races up to contact, even I'm still at the live-dates section...

    Please check with clean cache. It should be fixed now.

    If i visit the gallery (load more) I can choose different sections (ALL - VICTOR - ALMANAC - VIDEO - STUDIO - LIVE - MOTORSPORT)...

    Nothing we can do really. Filters and Lightbox gallery aren't connected in any way. The same happens in the demo.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  •   Joachim Derschka replied privately
  •  862

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Joachim Derschka replied


    if have a problem while opening the 2 pages I have created. Sometimes the startpage will not be as it should be. See attached images... While scrolling down everything is fine, but the startpage will remain as it is....

    Any idea??

  •  862
    Jelly replied


    Your Adblocker could be the problem. Could you please open Developer Console and copy errors from the console and send us?

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Joachim Derschka replied

    can't find that....

  •  862
    Jelly replied

    Every time I open it loads perfectly for me: https://music-and-web.de/Chewing%20grass/index.html. Do you have the same problem with our demo?

    From what I see from this screenshot: https://ticksy_attachments.s3.amazonaws.com/test-13_144.jpg I can tell you that css/js files weren't loaded on the page. The most common reason for that is server. Please contact your hosting company and ask them for logs.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team