  Public Ticket #1700513
I want to change the language to website.


  • Alexandre Santana started the conversation

    I would like to change some information that appears on the website for the Portuguese language. And I wish I could hide the Buy album button temporarily. Finally, I'm unable to create a permanent link to the contact button. How should I proceed?
  •  862
    Jelly replied


    To translate your website please use Loco Translate plugin or similar solution.

    Please add this CSS to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS to hide Buy button:

    .info-album .buyalbum {display: none;}

    I'm unable to create a permanent link to the contact button

    Are you referring to Stay in Touch section? If so use


    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Alexandre Santana replied

    Hi Team,

    Thanks for pay attention. I managed to change the language of my website. I also hid the buy button.

    ...and I not referring to the section stay-in-touch, because the link I need to change does not appear on pages. This is the problem. How can I change that?

    I finally need to hide the beatport link below the albums. It's possible?



  • Alexandre Santana replied

    Sorry Guys,

    I also want to know how to change the icons of social networks in the photos carousel at the beginning of the website.

    Thanks again



  •  862
    Jelly replied

    To hide Beatport:

    .info-album .links li:not(:last-child):after {content: none;}
    .info-album .links li:first-child:after {content: "|";}
    .info-album .links li:last-child {display: none}
    ...and I not referring to the section stay-in-touch, because the link I need to change does not appear on pages. This is the problem. How can I change that?

    I am sorry but could you please send us a screenshot of the contact button you are referring to?

    I also want to know how to change the icons of social networks in the photos carousel at the beginning of the website.

    Could you please send us a screenshot? In our demo we don't have any social icons at the beginning of the site: http://jellydemos.com/wordpress/decibel/.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Alexandre Santana replied

    Very, very good guys!!

    If I want to add a link in place of Beatport as for example Deezer how should I proceed?

    The contact button I am referring to is in the image icons.png 

    And the issue on link is image ink.png. So when I click on the link CONTACT in the main menu the link does not work. 

    Now i have more two problems:

    - I used the pluggin suggestion, but it is not possible to change many words on the site like: "ALL" "IMAGE" in the "Gallery"

    Days hours and minutes countdown seconds. The GET STARTED button and your "YOUR" "EMAIL" also in the NEWSLETTER.

    Finally I have problem in search seismath. When I search for an example term such as "cuba" the result appears with php code in the result page.


  •  862
    Jelly replied
    If I want to add a link in place of Beatport as for example Deezer how should I proceed?

    Go to dezibel-jellythemes-plugin/blocks/jellythemes.albums.featured.php line 43 and change beatport to Deezer.

    The contact button I am referring to is in the image icons.png 

    Go to Artists > Edit Artist > Twitter. Add twitter Full URL with https:// or http://.

    And the issue on link is image ink.png. So when I click on the link CONTACT in the main menu the link does not work. 

    It should be YOUR_WEBSITE_FULL_URL/#contact

    Finally I have problem in search seismath. When I search for an example term such as "cuba" the result appears with php code in the result page.

    Where are you searching them? Could you please send us a link to the page?

    I am going to contact our developer about translations issues.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Alexandre Santana replied

    Hi Jelly,

    1 - Sorry, it has not been clear what I need.
    I wanted to change the twitter icon to the youtube icon, or in some case hide an icon. Do you know?

    2 -  "It should be YOUR_WEBSITE_FULL_URL/#contact", but  where I change it?

    3 - http://alexandrecuba.com/?s=cuba

    4 - I'm waiting for the translation.

    Best Regards,


  • Alexandre Santana replied

    Hello Jelly Team,

    There is a problem on my site it is not loading. Could you check, pls?

    Best Regards


  • Alexandre Santana replied

    Hello Guys,

    It was back to normal, it must have been some instability and I saw that I had a session in India probably the developer was trying to correct the pending issues.



  •  862
    Jelly replied

    1. Go to dezibel-jellythemes-plugin/blocks/jellythemes.artists.php line 31. To hide one just remove one of the lines 30-32.

    2. Please go to Appearance > Menus > Main Menu. Please also download theme documentation from ThemeForest > My Account > Downloads > Dezibel > Download All Files & Documentation.

    3. It shows the JS code you've added to the page contents: https://tppr.me/XkrOf. You can remove it or add it at the bottom of the page instead.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Alexandre Santana replied

    Hi Team, How are you? I hope well.

    Thanks for the efficiency in the support provided so far.

    The item 1 made the change in the file, however in the admin I changed the link to youtube but the twitter label continues and the link that I put of youtube did not work. Follow the print to see where I'm talking.

    Item 2 ok. I already have the documentation in hand I will check again. Item 3 was added by installing the advertising plugin.

    Finally, I was able to change some words in English following the same logic of changing php files inside the plugin folder. Just missing the "ALL and IMAGE and Video" link above the "Gallery"



  •  862
    Jelly replied

    Item 1. Could you please send us wp-admin login/password and website url as a private message?

    Item 3. Please contact plugin developers about this.

    Could you please send us ftp login/password/url to your website as a private message? I am going to update your theme for the latest translations.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  •   Alexandre Santana replied privately
  •  862
    Jelly replied

    Item 1. Go to dezibel-jellythemes-plugin/functions.meta-boxes.php:193 and change artist_tw to artist_yo, Twitter to Youtube.

    Item 3. Translation should be added. Please go to Loco Translate and check Dezibel Jellythemes Plugin.

    About site load. Please contact your hosting provider. You can also compress images. For example, this one has the size of 1.8mb which quite large.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Alexandre Santana replied

    Hi Jelly, How are you guys? I hope well.

    So, thanks again for pay attention. Item 1 ok, about site load ok for hint and we're have more details for correct.

    Let's go: 

    This item1 is possible open link in another page? Other thing, the  color green separator element above of the artists is very very together, we could to correct?



  •  862
    Jelly replied

    Item 1. Yes. Please go to dezibel-jellythemes-plugin/blocks/jellythemes.artists.php:30-32 and add


    to links: https://tppr.me/fwfxW

    Other thing, the  color green separator element above of the artists is very very together, we could to correct?

    Yes. Please add Vertical Spacer after Title: https://tppr.me/TkFSQ

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Alexandre Santana replied

    Hey Guys, How are you doing? I hope well.

    I have a problem. My website is out. Could you help me please?



  •  862
    Jelly replied

    What seem to be the problem? Could you please tell us more?

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Alexandre Santana replied

    Sorry, Jelly,

    My website was down. Now its ok. 



  •  862
    Jelly replied

    Great! Please create a new ticket when you need our help.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team