  Public Ticket #1854185
Visual composer not working


  • evesimonet started the conversation

    Hello. I'm working in local so I can't give you access. 

    I can't modify any pages. My visual composer is active but act weird. see screenhsots

    Please help fast :( I'm on it for 3 hours can't fix it

  •   Jelly replied privately
  • evesimonet replied

    it's says it failed see screenshot

  • evesimonet replied

    it's woooorks !! thanks !!!

  •  862
    Jelly replied

    At first please switch your theme to Twenty Seventeen or similar. Next please remove old version of WPBakery. Now install new version and activate it. Switch the theme to Dezibel.

    If you still will have issues please send us wp-admin login/password and website url as a private message.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team