Please go to discs/disc-01.html. Now copy this page, change it's name to disc-custom.html, change album cover in <div class="cover", album title in <p class="album album-list" and so on.
After go to index.html and copy lines 537-549 and change data-url="discs/disc-02.html" to data-url="discs/disc-custom.html".
Can you supply documentation to create the Album song list for <div class="project-content"></div><!-- AJAX Dinamic Content -->
Please go to discs/disc-01.html. Now copy this page, change it's name to disc-custom.html, change album cover in <div class="cover", album title in <p class="album album-list" and so on.
After go to index.html and copy lines 537-549 and change data-url="discs/disc-02.html" to data-url="discs/disc-custom.html".
Best Regards,
Jelly Team