  Public Ticket #2321782


  • Papeladas started the conversation


    I just purchased this Manson Theme and I want the design just like the multipage deisgn demo you have. I installed the theme on wordpress, everything went well, but, for some reason, the layout organization is still from the old template. I deleted all pages and created new ones but for some reason, it doesn't let me create pages following the same layout and design as you have on your demo (multipages, link above).

    Anyhow, I'm contacting to know if you have an installation video on how can I install your theme to just change content and images.



  • VurrDigital1 replied

    Same issue. followed everything by the guide... no demos design on my page: 

  • Papeladas replied

    I have a developer looking into the issue and configure the information and he sent me a message stating that documentation is not complete, he can't find the XML file "manson-demo-data.xml" (folder manson > Sample Data > manson-demo-data.xml).

    Please advice.


  • Papeladas replied

    also, these files are missing (attached image)

    Please advice

  •  862
    Jelly replied


    Could you please send us wp-admin login/password and website url as a private message?

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Papeladas replied

    Hey Jelly, Thanks for answering, we manage to create the pages.

    One question regarding another subject, from the team page, how can I remove this slider (we are only 3 on our company)

  • Papeladas replied

    Another issue, please advice:

    -Customer comments and reviews, only shows the first comment not the others

  • Papeladas replied

    Also, please provide feedback regarding blog page. I don't see an option on elementor to add this section

  •  862
    Jelly replied

    Add this code to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS or at the end of style.css to hide the dots:

    .team__slider .flickity-page-dots .dot:not(.is-selected) { display: none; }

    -Customer comments and reviews, only shows the first comment not the others

    Please go to styles.css and find line 4853:

    .testimonial__slider.js-inview_h.tra20.delay03.flickity-enabled.is-draggable .flickity-viewport .flickity-slider {
        transform: translateX(0%) !important;

    Comment it.

    Also, please provide feedback regarding blog page. I don't see an option on elementor to add this section

    Create a Page and name it "Blog". Now go to wp-admin > Settings > Reading > Your homepage displays > Posts page: Blog.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Papeladas replied


    How to change top page background on blog page and on each post? mine is all balck

    On your template preview the top bar is transparent and the logo changes colours just like in home page (link: http://jellydemos.com/wordpress/manson/blog/) On mine it's all static (Screeshot 4). Please advice how to change that?

    What are the ideal sizes for images on each blog post and for blog page? Mine shows all text yet because image was not added(screenshot 5)

    How to remove "posted By" information? how to put that bar at the end of the article? Images no matter the size, are automatically resized, please advice how to avoid that 

  • Papeladas replied

    By the way, I tried changing style.css code and it doesn't work. Customer reviews still shows only the first review (www.marketingdepapel.com/about). Please advice

  • Papeladas replied

    I'm working on the glob page, 

    1- How to remove share icons? (screenshot 2)

    2- I added a subscribe widget, configured it just like in every other page, yet it shows up in block and not full width. Please advise how to fix.  (screenshot 3)

    3- Also the buttom has a bug, please advice how to fix (screenshot 4)                              

  •  862
    Jelly replied


    Please clean your cache and static files combiner/minifier.

    How to change top page background on blog page and on each post? mine is all balck

    Go to Appearance > Customize > Blog Page And Archive > Blog Single Page

    On your template preview the top bar is transparent a

    Please go to Appearance > Customize > Header Settings > disable and then enable Sticky Sidebar > Upload Logos.

    How to remove "posted By" information? how to put that bar at the end of the article? Images no matter the size, are automatically resized, please advice how to avoid that 

    Add this code to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS or at the end of style.css:

    .posted-by-comments .posted-by { display: none }

    The rest can be done through the customization only.


    1. Please send us a link. I am not sure if our theme has this. I think this should work: Go to Edit page > Template: Front Page.

    2. Go to Edit page > Template: Front Page.

    3. Please send us a link to this.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Papeladas replied


    Here's the link of the blog (still testing) for you to check out:

    www.marketingdepapel.com/blog   Top menu is not like yours and if you access the blog post published, images in teh text get all the same size and at the bottom, subscribe block is centered rather than full width and social media icon are wrong.

    Also, customer reviews on other pages shows only the first reviw not the others. Please advice on how to solve this since your last advice (changing css style in line 4853) didn't work


  •  862
    Jelly replied

    Could you please send us wp-admin login/password as a private message?

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Papeladas replied


    I don't feel comfortable in sharing my login and password. Also, I was adviced by wordpress support team not to do that. 

    If you want to have access to the backoffice of the website, please send me your wordpress username or email so I can send you an invite and add you as a contractor.


  •  862
    Jelly replied

    1. Please go to Edit Blog page > Page options > enable Transparent menu.

    2. Please go to Edit Post > Post Attributes > Template: Default > Page Options > Newsletter: Show. It seems that Sharedaddy plugin works incorrectly. Could you turn it off for a test?

    3. Could you turn off/clean you server cache plugin since I don't see any change on line 4853: https://tppr.me/oymlc

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team