Comments Michele Tagliavini started the conversationMarch 4, 2021 at 11:06amin download less the file for manage this page: 857Jelly repliedMarch 4, 2021 at 11:09amHello,I wasn't able to understand your question. Could you elaborate more?Best Regards,Jelly TeamMichele Tagliavini repliedMarch 4, 2021 at 11:11amin html folder there is only one page for index.html like main demo, less slider revolution homepage: 857Jelly repliedMarch 4, 2021 at 11:16amPlease check how it supposed to look: you don't have same files as on the screenshot, correct?Best Regards,Jelly TeamMichele Tagliavini repliedMarch 4, 2021 at 11:21amok i found it is revslider.html, is it correct?less more files:mail.phpscripts folder 857Jelly repliedMarch 4, 2021 at 11:22amCould you send us a screenshot of your folder? Scripts is in /assets.Best Regards,Jelly Team Michele Tagliavini replied privately 857Jelly repliedMarch 4, 2021 at 11:26amPlease try using this mail.php file.Best Regards,Jelly Team Sign in to reply ...
in download less the file for manage this page:
I wasn't able to understand your question. Could you elaborate more?
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
in html folder there is only one page for index.html like main demo, less slider revolution homepage:
Please check how it supposed to look:
And you don't have same files as on the screenshot, correct?
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
ok i found it is revslider.html, is it correct?
less more files:
scripts folder
Could you send us a screenshot of your folder?
Scripts is in /assets.
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
Please try using this mail.php file.
Best Regards,
Jelly Team