  Public Ticket #2715555
Want to buy the Manson theme , but need some info


  • Ibrahim Quayum started the conversation

    I'm really interested to buy the Manson theme from themeforest. But i have some question about some features which i can't able to see or find. The questions are:

    1:  The theme was released on June 19 and there's no update after that. Am i going to get any kind of Compatibility issue with latest wordpress? 

    2: Can i add videos as portfolio ? 

    Thank you

  •  862
    Jelly replied


    1. There are shouldn't be any compatibility issues with the latest version of WP. However, you can always contact us.

    2. You can add videos to Project Details as embedded elements: https://tppr.me/W9CfL

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Ibrahim Quayum replied

    I'm going to make a one page website, so  is there any way to make youtube videos popup in portfolio section so it doesnt have to go to another page?  

    If i can't do that then can "videos to Project Details as embedded elements" be done in onepage website? 

  •  862
    Jelly replied

    Manson uses Elementor, so you can follow this guide on how to embedded a youtube video: https://elementor.com/blog/embed-video-wordpress

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team