  Public Ticket #2962175


  • Gian luigi started the conversation

    following updates of your template and wordpress I found some problems that we were able to solve thanks to your indications and adaptations. There is only one problem to be solved on the translation with the X-translate plugin, it does not allow you to change the language, and it does not allow you to replace the plugin with wpml as we lose the adaptations you suggested to solve some problems (for example the black screen with the x white ..).
    We did a fresh install on a submenu but the new install loses all changes.
    The request is how to fix the language display problem or provide an installation that does not require the adaptations you provided again. A thousand thanks

  •   Gian luigi replied privately
  •  862
    Jelly replied


    I cannot login to https://osteriabaiocco.com/miami/wp-admin/. Could you check?

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  •   Gian luigi replied privately
  • Gian luigi replied

    error in https://osteriabaiocco.com/miami/wp-admin/
    Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/customer/www/osteriabaiocco.com/public_html/miami/wp-content/themes/elixir-jellythemes/inc/ReduxFramework/ReduxCore/inc/class.redux_filesystem.php on line 29

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/customer/www/osteriabaiocco.com/public_html/miami/wp-content/themes/elixir-jellythemes/inc/ReduxFramework/ReduxCore/inc/class.redux_filesystem.php:29) in /home/customer/www/osteriabaiocco.com/public_html/miami/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6712

  •   Jelly replied privately
  • Gian luigi replied

    I am sending you a new user to log in.

    utente: jelly
    password: #%NVHoqui%K^5$d$EGGQNsv*

    anyway I tried to update with the one you sent me but the problem is not solved.

    please check both
    and also

    at least one of the two must work


    utente: adminBAIOCCO2017

    password: X4rSr*Ji1vJwxEu0

  •   Gian luigi replied privately
  •  862
    Jelly replied

    This one works: https://osteriabaiocco.com/wp-admin/

    Make sure to clear your cache before checking.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Gian luigi replied

    Thanks for the reply.
    Unfortunately, however, even after clearing the cache, the button on the menu to select the language does not work. it does not allow me to go from Italian to English and vice versa. the rest is all ok.
    I had done the fresh install on the submenu to check if the problem was the xtranslate plugin. but it doesn't work in the new installation directory either.
    has an indication on how to solve.
    A thousand thanks

  •  862
    Jelly replied

    Please check now with clear cache.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Gian luigi replied

    done but the language change does not work. may I ask you if you can suggest a solution or replace the xtranslate plugin with another one?

    I think that the xtranlate plugin is not compatible with the theme ... do you have to suggest me a solution?

  •  862
    Jelly replied

    Have you cleared your browser cache?

    Can XTranslate create two sets of menus: https://osteriabaiocco.com/wp-admin/nav-menus.php?

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team