Hello. I bought SONORAMA. I downloaded it to Wordpress, but it doesn't work as expected. I would like to use this theme to create a gallery of images and videos (like a demo). Please tell me how to use (gallery) in detail. Please follow the procedure in as much detail as possible (preferably in an easy-to-understand manner including images). If that is not possible, unfortunately I would like to return it.
Access to the WordPress administration screen is denied Due to the security measures of the X server, access to the WordPress management screen from some usage environments is currently restricted.
P.S. I would appreciate if you could please rate the Theme and like the assistance under my support, means a lot to me. Thank you.
You can rate it with your themeforest account at your downloads page, precisely at this link: http://themeforest.net/downloads and hover over the 5 stars for our theme.
3. Do you want to delete /blog page on your website? You can write in your native language and I will translate it with Google Translate so it was easier.
You don't need to update WPBakery when the update is available immediately.
Please also note that since we cannot include a license code inside of the theme (ThemeForest doesn't have such option), the update may not be available right away.
This will be my first email in a year. I like Sonorama very, very much and I am expanding it little by little. By the way, can't I ask you any questions about the theme, because it has already expired? If so, I would like to ask again.
Hello. I bought SONORAMA. I downloaded it to Wordpress, but it doesn't work as expected. I would like to use this theme to create a gallery of images and videos (like a demo). Please tell me how to use (gallery) in detail. Please follow the procedure in as much detail as possible (preferably in an easy-to-understand manner including images). If that is not possible, unfortunately I would like to return it.
Could you please send us wp-admin login/password and website url as a private message?
We are going to import the demo data so it was easier to understand.
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
I cannot access your website because of:
Access to the WordPress administration screen is denied
Due to the security measures of the X server,
access to the WordPress management screen from some usage environments is currently restricted.
Could you allow Spain?
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
The demo data was imported.
Lets start with https://transtech.site/wp-admin/post.php?post=5&action=edit. This is your Homepage. The thing the theme works is that you cannot add the content to it.
So in order to add content you need to go to https://transtech.site/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=page-sections. Here you can add sections with content inside.
For example, lets check Latest News section: https://transtech.site/wp-admin/post.php?post=1929&action=edit. As you can see it has Title, Separator and also "Last News" shortcode that shows the events.
Now, if you want to add more Events go to https://transtech.site/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=events. The same with Albums and Gallery.
Please check everything and let me know.
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
1. Please check with clear cache.
2. Could you show me which part you are referring to http://jellydemos.com/wordpress/sonorama/?
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
The gallery is already available: https://transtech.site/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=page-sections > Gallery.
The only thing that you need to do is to change the theme color scheme: https://transtech.site/wp-admin/admin.php?page=sonorama_options&tab=0
However, I've already selected Turquoise, so everything is set up now.
Please check and let me know.
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
If you have any questions, just let us know.
P.S. I would appreciate if you could please rate the Theme and like the assistance under my support, means a lot to me. Thank you.
You can rate it with your themeforest account at your downloads page, precisely at this link: http://themeforest.net/downloads and hover over the 5 stars for our theme.
Thank you so much for all your help!!!
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
1. Are referring to a specific cache plugin? Have you tried manually clear your browser cache?
2. Could you send us the error?
3. Please go to wp-admin > Gallery > Add media.
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
1. Which cache you are referring to? Could you send me a screenshot? Not sure what "The cache cannot be released." means.
2. You don't need to update the plugins since they are included in the theme itself.
3. My test gallery item: https://transtech.site/wp-admin/post.php?post=2042&action=edit
You can see it inside of the gallery. See attach.
Also please don't use Easy FancyBox plugin since it's causing theme's gallery to break.
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
2. I updated the WPBakery plugin.
3. Do you want to delete /blog page on your website? You can write in your native language and I will translate it with Google Translate so it was easier.
4. Please take a look at this article on how to add blog posts: https://shortiedesigns.com/blog/how-to-add-new-blog-post-wordpress/
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
"SONORAMA". Go to Edit "Home" page > Slider Options > Slider text (multiple).
Blog. It should be available now: https://transtech.site/blog/
Menu. I fixed it as well.
Please check and let me know.
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
Please follow this guide on how to delete posts:
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
Please go to https://transtech.site/wp-admin/post.php?post=5&action=edit and make sure to add Slider Images and also Slide Text.
To change Tour Dates please go to https://transtech.site/wp-admin/post.php?post=32&action=edit and change the text.
If you want to remove a section you can put them in Trash.
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
Main Slider. Please also add https://transtech.site/wp-admin/post.php?post=5&action=edit > Slider images (2). Should be a logo. See attach. 1.
Do you have any more questions?
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
Currently, I want to put a photo in the background of history and discography, but when I put a photo image, the pages overlap.
Could you add it again, so I can check the issue?
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
Please go to https://transtech.site/wp-admin/post.php?post=1929&action=edit and https://transtech.site/wp-admin/post.php?post=1934&action=edit > change "Parallax background image" to yours.
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
Gallery should be fixed now. Please take a look and let me know.
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
Please note that we don't provide support during weekends.
Gallery should be fully visible now. Please check with clear browser cache.
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
For the music player, please go to Pages > Home > Edit > Slider Options > MP3 Files > add music files.
Which SNS icon would you like to delete?
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
Please check now. Go to https://transtech.site/wp-admin/admin.php?page=sonorama_options&tab=0 > Contact info > add your Instagram link to Facebook url.
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
Install Loco Translate https://wordpress.org/plugins/loco-translate/.
Next follow https://localise.biz/wordpress/plugin/beginners and create English translation for the theme (make sure to select Custom https://localise.biz/wordpress/plugin/beginners#add).
Now you can change any text you like.
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
Remove Buy the Album. Add this code to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS:
As for other customizaions. Please take a look at http://jellydemos.com/wordpress/sonorama/ Unfortunately, we cannot customize the album section beyond that.
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
Album should be visible now. Could you check?
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
...the title of the song recorded in the album like a demo.
Could you send us a screenshot? Not sure which part you are referring to.
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
I cannot download it. Could you attach it as an image?
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
The same issue.
Please upload images to https://imgur.com/ or similar website.
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
Could you send us a link?
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
Please go to https://transtech.site/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=track > create a new track > add data > Select Album > Publish it.
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
Perfect! Do you need our help in anything else?
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
Please add this code to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS or at the end of style.css:
.slides-navigation .next, .slides-navigation .prev { width: 52px; height: 52px; background-size: 260px; opacity: .5; }
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
Please check now with cleared browser cache.
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
By default Album is like this: see attachment 1.
However, if you want to show what's on your screenshot, you need to embed the iframe: see attachment 2.
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
https://imgur.com/WBhKr3J – You need to embedded the code like on this screenshot:
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
Sorry for the delay.
By default when you go to wp-admin > Tracks > add a new track > select Album (attach. 1), it shows Album and associated tracks as attach 2.
However, "Attach. 3" is a completely different thing since it shows embedded iframe, you can take by following https://get.bandcamp.help/hc/en-us/articles/360013561254-How-do-I-create-a-Bandcamp-embedded-player-
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
You don't need to update WPBakery when the update is available immediately.
Please also note that since we cannot include a license code inside of the theme (ThemeForest doesn't have such option), the update may not be available right away.
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
No need to update WPBakery. We will update it later if necessary with the theme update.
Best Regards,
Jelly Team
Dear Jerry.
This will be my first email in a year.
I like Sonorama very, very much and I am expanding it little by little.
By the way, can't I ask you any questions about the theme, because it has already expired? If so, I would like to ask again.
If there is a fee, please tell me about that too.
Miyagi, Japan
Please follow this guide on how to extend support:
Best Regards,
Jelly Team