  Public Ticket #840699
page is to long


  • David started the conversation


    i used your template Elixir for my client. 

    1. I removed some sections from homepage, but page is to long. Below is a hight blank space. Se at this link: http://restart-pub.cz/cs-cz/o-nas
    2. And how can I remove loader efect from this template?

    Can you help me?



  •  862
    Jelly replied


    1. Please add the css code in the path: elixir -> css -> elixir.css, please put it in the end of the file:

    section.timetable .column-divider {padding: 0 !important;}

    2. In you page, please remove this code:

    <div id="mask">
                <div class="loader">
                  <img src="svg-loaders/tail-spin.svg" alt='loading'>

    Then remove the jquery scritp in the end of this page:

    <script src="js/pathLoader.js"></script>

    Similar for other pages.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • David replied


    thank you for your advice. I have a last question.

    When I fast refresh this page http://restart-pub.cz/cs-cz/rezervace (key F5), the content is unvisible. I think, it's plugin inWiew. But when I remove plugin inWiew, the content is unvisible too.

    Thank you for advice again.


  •  862
    Jelly replied


    The page will reload again and it will force the content disappear and appear again in few second.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • David replied

    I need remove this plugin. It is senseless and slow. It's inView plugin or other? 

    When I removed inView plugin, page content is unvisible.

    Thank you.

  •  862
    Jelly replied


    No, it's the way browser will render the content from hosting provider. I can't do something because it's beyond our support can provide.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team