  Public Ticket #856115
Contact Form


  • Sergey started the conversation


    The Contact Form doesn't work. I think that the message must go to admin email, right?
    It doesn't happen and I already call hosting provider to ask to check php mail - they said no mail sent.

    What I can do to fix the problem?


  •  857
    Jelly replied


    My recommended try use contact form 7 instead default email if it not work for you, because the default email will need PHP email function work in server and something hosting provider don't provide support for it so the contact form 7 can help you out in this situation.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  •   Sergey replied privately
  •  857
    Jelly replied


    Because it's work good in all cases and sometimes the problem come from hosting provider if you can't setup the contact form 7 work good, it not our problem, the contact form 7 work like us do in contact form.

    Maybe you can try setup the smtp in your website to try it work or not? The map work in other pages but not in the home, it's the first time I see it when I'm support here, so I'm not sure about it.

    I'm still want you will do your website finish as soon as possible. Sorry for inconvenience.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  • Sergey replied

    Hi, close it - everything in last ticket