  Public Ticket #856422
Multi-page setup problem


  •  2
    Sahan started the conversation


    I have a problem with setting up multi-pages.
    If I unsterstood the instruction corectly:

    1. I'm creating BLANK(?) page "Services" (for ex.) with Template: Parent page. (Don't change anything in section attributes)
    2. Then I add another page "Services-content" with Template: Default and Parent: Services. I set up content with Visual Editor on this page.
    3. In menu I should use "Serviecs".

    But none of the content is displayed while entering "Services" page. 

    PS Is there any sample data for mult-pages to check how it is configured properly?


    I did another page "Team" + "team-content" with exactly the same settings, and it's working perfectly :o

  •  857
    Jelly replied


    I'm confused now, so the team page still work good while the service page still not work?

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team