  Public Ticket #869518
twitter feed and band member scroll


  •  2
    Alexander started the conversation

    Hi, i have two questions:

    * How and where can i change the account connected to the twitter feed?

    * is there a way in the band members section to make the scroll stop when it reaches the last member, instead of showing the first members again?

  •  862
    Jelly replied


    1. Please check my screenshot, to create twitter widget, please check here: https://support.twitter.com/articles/20170071.

    2. Please go to this file: \muziq-jellythemes-plugin\blocks\jellythemes.artists.php

    In line 14, you will see this code:

    <div class="js-flickity" data-flickity-options="{ "cellAlign": "left", "wrapAround": true, "contain": true, "prevNextButtons": false }">';

    Change it to:

    <div class="js-flickity" data-flickity-options="{ "cellAlign": "left", "wrapAround": false, "contain": true, "prevNextButtons": false }">';

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  •  2
    Alexander replied

    I'm sorry, i accidentally opened the ticket in the wordpress theme, but I have the html template .

    Do i have to open a new ticket, or you can answer in this one?

  •  2
    Alexander replied

    The band member bit worked in html, so the only issue i still have is the twitter feed

  •  862
    Jelly replied


    Sorry, my mistake, you will need change the id twitter id in: scripts/main.js line 155. Please try.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  •  2
    Alexander replied

    Thanks! I found it and changed the id but it's not working. I tried with different ids (from different accounts) but it's not showing anything on the website. If i go back to the demo id, it works properly.


  •  862
    Jelly replied


    The id twitter incase will need the twitter id widget, not twitter account id. Sorry for inconvenience.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  •  2
    ad replied

    Having same issue. Please provide STEP BY STEP instructions. Cannot insert twitter widget id ANYWHERE....????

  •  2
    ad replied

    twitter widget ID's are no longr available for ANYONE. Please update the code, voting down this theme. Please rewrite twitter feed code and update or provide a different plugin to replace this non working part of your theme. 

  •  862
    Jelly replied


    I will inform our developer check it now, maybe it will take up to 48 hours to release the update. Please patience for us.

    Sorry for inconvenience.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  •  2
    Alexander replied

    Thanks, Ad. And sorry for the delay, i was busy. I'll wait for the update then.

  •  862
    Jelly replied


    Our director going upload new version in themeforest now. It will available in 24 hours.

    1. The twitter will fixed.

    2. The contact form will work properly.

    3. The filter will work properly.

    It's all details in this update.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  •  2
    Justin replied


    I purchased the Muziq HTML template, and I have the same issues with the twitter feed and contact form.

    I've already built out the entire site. If I download this update, will it be easy to swap out some code from the update to make these work?

  •  862
    Jelly replied


    The wordpress version and the html work different way. We will update the html soon. Please patience for us.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  •  2
    Stan replied

    Was there an update?? 

  •  862
    Jelly replied


    Please open the tickets under your account. We don't provide support for everyone in public ticket.

    This is closed!

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team