  Public Ticket #874005
edit the homepage does not work


  •  2
    Dmitriy started the conversation

    Hello, it is impossible to edit the home page on the Landing page, no setting visual composer, that is, the elements that you want to edit, how to edit a page? Namely, the elements are there only through code?

  •  862
    Jelly replied


    Please edit the content in child page under home page, the home page only available setting for top slider.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  •  2
    Dmitriy replied

    Setup does not work mail, contact form, and can not be adjusted, and it is not sent... to the blog page redirects

  •  2
    Dmitriy replied

    Ok smartass, the problem isnt in the hosting provider settings but in the code you've written. Now you gotta edit that or what did I pay you for. First of all make the contact form editable throught the visual compositor, and second of all get the sending part working as well. Dont blame the hosting provider or the server settings, but take responsibility for your code and fix it. Otherwise if you dont wanna fix your bugs and get a new working version of the theme delivered, then give my money back, im not paying for your non working bs.

  •  862
    Jelly replied


    The contact form is hardcode, you can't edit it through wordpress dashboard, if you want edit it, you need change the code, it will available in: \muziq-jellythemes-plugin\blocks\jellythemes.contact-form.php. But if you want easy for your work, you can use contact form 7 instead default contact form.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  •  2
    ad replied

    Dmitriy Zyryanov Stop being such a jackass. The dude is trying to help. You need not edit the form there anyways... Use contact form to adjust..... Smart ass. 

  •  862
    Jelly replied


    Please calm down guys, we're understand about the feel the theme not work and make upset. Honestly, we had tested theme before release and for some unknown reason, it not work in your side. We're so sorry about it.

    We will help all customers sort it our and make it work properly, like you want. I hope it's clearly our responsibility and calm down, patience for us.

    Thank for all feedback and help us :).

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  •  2
    Dmitriy replied

    button does not work "show more"

  •  2
    Dmitriy replied
    Do you guys do anything it does not work, for which I had paid you the money? In order to edit all the code? Or in other plug-ins to use? Return my money! When done properly working theme then we'll talk!
  •  2
    Dmitriy replied
    Or, correct all errors within 3 days!
  •  862
    Jelly replied


    Maybe you can provide website url, wordpress login and ftp information and with the screenshot with the bug you want report?

    For the video, I can't know all your ideas. Also, such as my first replied, the contact form can't edit in backend. Please use contact form 7 to replace it.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  •   Dmitriy replied privately
  •   Dmitriy replied privately
  •  2
    Dmitriy replied

    does not work:

    1. form plugin "Visual Composer" - Featured Events carousel, Contact form

    2.Function buttons - "view all events"

    3. in the section "LATEST MEDIA" (gallery) - filters not working

  •  862
    Jelly replied


    Our director going upload new version in themeforest now. It will available in 24 hours.

    1. The twitter will fixed.

    2. The contact form will work properly.

    3. The filter will work properly.

    It's all details in this update.

    For your problem:

    1. I had replied three times, so please understand we don't provide support for customization. The contact form can't change in wordpress dashboard.

    2. The featured events carousel still work good, but you can't change anything in this, you will need change the hard code.

    3. The button: "view all events" still work good, please make sure your events not past the current day, if it's passed the events don't show.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  •  2
    Dmitriy replied

    so you have filled or not the new version Musiq? I just downloaded the old version

  •  2
    Dmitriy replied

    please write immediately when it will be possible to download, the matter is urgent, thank you!

  •  2
    Dmitriy replied

    Can I contact with you by Skype?

  •  862
    Jelly replied


    Please download theme package and check the changeslog.txt file. It will contain the correct version.

    We don't provide support via email or skype, sorry.

    The new version available in themeforest now.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  •  2
    Dmitriy replied

    Hello, I'm curious about the event types feature to be added. 
    It is really necessary for our needs. 

    What I mean is - we want to place two featured events carosels on the website with one featuring one type of events (for instance day events) and the other - night time ones. Currently this is impossible to do due to the fact both of the caurusels show the same events based on the time (it chooses last three) 

    What we want you to do is to add type setting for the carousel so when we place it on the page we could choose which category only it would show the last three from. Do you feel what I need? 

    Can you help me out achieve that effect, maybe there is another way to do it (manually) rather than fixing the whole thing? That is really important to out business and these carusell look really badass. 

    Please respond ASAP and let me know if there is a way to fix it/ 
    I would be really glad. 
    Dont hesitate to ask what you need - im happy to provide all the necessary info. Thanks

    I just tried to submit another ticket on this issue as it is two diferent problems but it didnt let me - is that because you are only supposed to open 1 matter on 1 purchase or what? Thanks

  •  862
    Jelly replied


    I will conside about sort carousel by category, but now it's impossible to do. It will need customization. Also, Maybe you can tell me your problem here, I will try my best to help you out.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  •  2
    Dmitriy replied

    Well what I need to have is two carousels that feature different even,and at the moment both them show the same ones

  •  2
    Dmitriy replied

    I like need tge first caurosel to feature events 1,2,3 and tge caurosel two to feature events 4,5,6. And what im having now is two carousels featuring 1,2,3 events that's no real good

  •  2
    ad replied

    there is no file titled EPIC - anything with musiq theme....... Please just upload instructions on how to upload the twitter part ONLY. Thanks. 

  •  862
    Jelly replied


    Please download fixed package for twitter below and replace it in:


    @Dmitriy Zyryanov I will discussion about it with our developer and our director. I will reply for you soon, maybe it can up to 48 hours.

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team