Please don't touch the php mail file, you can setup your email to receive email from reservation and contact form in theme option. Please restore the reservation.php file to original file.
Some case the email will go to the email box in Cpanel or they had block function send email PHP, please contact hosting provider and try get help from them.
I can’t receive the e-mail from the reservation form. Can you show me how I should configure in the reservation.php file?
$mailTo = $_POST[''];
$subject = "Prenotazione Burro & Sugo";
$body = "Prenotazione sul sito:
FROM: ".$_POST['reservation_email']."<br>
NAME: ".$_POST['reservation_name']."<br>
PHONE: ".$_POST['reservation_phone']."<br>
DATE: ".$_POST['date']."<br>
TIME: ".$_POST['time']."<br>
PARTY: ".$_POST['party']."<br>
COMMENTS: ".$_POST['reservation_message']."<br>";
$headers = "To: Elixir <".$mailTo.">\r\n";
$headers .= "From: ".$_POST['author']." <".$_POST['reservation_email'].">\r\n";
$headers .= "Content-Type: text/html";
//envio destinatario
$mail_success = mail($mailTo, utf8_decode($subject), utf8_decode($body), $headers);
TKS Daniel
Please don't touch the php mail file, you can setup your email to receive email from reservation and contact form in theme option. Please restore the reservation.php file to original file.
Some case the email will go to the email box in Cpanel or they had block function send email PHP, please contact hosting provider and try get help from them.
Best Regards,
Jelly Team