  Public Ticket #993277
change background color, only one page.


  •  2
    Yedida Sadewa started the conversation


    i had problem, i can't change only one page of background color in contact page

    actually i had try with this code

      background-color: #ffffff;

    but it not works :(

    i hope you can help me

    thanks before :)

  •  857
    Jelly replied


    Please use custom style below:

    body.dark .page-contact {
        background-color: #fff !important;

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  •  2
    Yedida Sadewa replied

    it works,

    thank you sir,

    anyway i tried to change the backgroud color of blog page but not works with the script you gave.

  •  2
    Yedida Sadewa replied

    i also screenshot of my script and blog page...here it is

  •  857
    Jelly replied


    The correct class name for blog is:


    You will need check some article about the css selector if you want control your css better:


    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  •  2
    Yedida Sadewa replied

    thanks you sir, it works,

    im so sorry if i make a lot question :)

  •  857
    Jelly replied


    No problem, I hope you can tell your friend check our portfolio: themeforest.net/user/jellythemes/portfolio, if they want wordpress theme or html template. Do you still need my help?

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team

  •  2
    Yedida Sadewa replied

    okay sir, 


    i'll make new ticket if i have any problem again 

    thank you so much :)

  •  857
    Jelly replied


    I am currently closing the ticket. Please don’t hesitate to submit a ticket whenever you need help. I will be happy to assist you.

    P.S. I would appreciate if you could please rate the Theme and like the assistance under my support, means a lot to me. Thank you.

    You can rate it with your themeforest account at your downloads page, precisely at this link: http://themeforest.net/downloads and hover over the 5 stars for our theme, thank you very much!!

    Best Regards,
    Jelly Team