
Public Tickets

Roderick Home Page IssuesClosed   Muziq - Music Band & Musician WordPress Theme   Updated October 24, 2016 at 11:26am   4 Most recent comment from Jelly Theme:Hi,Please check my screenshot to understand it better: Rob Schmahl Editing Layout of HomepageClosed   Muziq - Music Band & Musician WordPress Theme   Updated October 20, 2016 at 1:11pm   2 Most recent comment from Jelly Theme:Hi,Everything is different when authors is other people.Please check our explain below. 1. For one page version: You will need create homepage.Create another page like About – Cont ... Peter Upcoming Events listClosed   Muziq - Music Band & Musician WordPress Theme   Updated October 20, 2016 at 12:36pm   4 Most recent comment from Jelly Theme:Hi,No problem, do you still need my help? Rob Schmahl Display more than 4 Artists...Closed   Muziq - Music Band & Musician WordPress Theme   Updated October 20, 2016 at 12:26pm   4 Most recent comment from Jelly Theme:Hi,1. For the layout of artists will need change code to do it and we can't provide support for it because it's customization. So to do such as your want is possible but you will need hire freelancer ... Juan order of sections in homeClosed   Muziq - Music Band & Musician WordPress Theme   Updated October 19, 2016 at 10:49am   5 Most recent comment from Jelly Theme:Hi, Glad it’s working for you now. Do you still need my help? PaulWenger Gallery PhotosClosed   Muziq - Music Band & Musician WordPress Theme   Updated October 12, 2016 at 3:49pm   4 Most recent comment from Jelly Theme:Hi, I am currently closing the ticket. Please don’t hesitate to submit a ticket whenever you need help. I will be happy to assist you. P.S. I would appreciate if you could please rate the Them ... PaulWenger Musiq TemplateClosed   Muziq - Music Band & Musician WordPress Theme   Updated October 12, 2016 at 3:49pm   6 Most recent comment from Jelly Theme:Hi, I am currently closing the ticket. Please don’t hesitate to submit a ticket whenever you need help. I will be happy to assist you. P.S. I would appreciate if you could please rate the Them ... Ishme contact formClosed   Muziq - Music Band & Musician WordPress Theme   Updated October 12, 2016 at 9:29am   2 Most recent comment from Jelly Theme:Hi,The email is the admin email in: Settings -> General. PaulWenger Music UploadsClosed   Muziq - Music Band & Musician WordPress Theme   Updated October 12, 2016 at 9:18am   4 Most recent comment from Jelly Theme:Hi,It's higher than normal mp3 file. Maybe you can provide wplogin and ftp information. So I can try check it? Please provide folder of your mp3 file and make sure use private reply to send your info ... Bob G Initial helpClosed   Muziq - Music Band & Musician WordPress Theme   Updated October 10, 2016 at 12:05pm   2 Most recent comment from Jelly Theme:Hi,1. To change the slider content, please check the homepage and slider option. To change the slider text color, it will need do with custom style. Or if you want, you can try revolution slider with ... Tahir Mohamed View all eventsClosed   Muziq - Music Band & Musician WordPress Theme   Updated October 10, 2016 at 11:53am   7 Most recent comment from Jelly Theme:Hi,Please check your website now, I was added an event to test and it's show up now. Like my previous message, it don't show the event had past with the real time.Like past events in: Oct 1st don't ... Tahir Mohamed Blog PostClosed   Muziq - Music Band & Musician WordPress Theme   Updated October 10, 2016 at 11:49am   6 Most recent comment from Jelly Theme:Hi,I had update menu in your website and it's work good now. Peter Demo ContentClosed   Muziq - Music Band & Musician WordPress Theme   Updated October 7, 2016 at 8:01am   13 Most recent comment from Jelly Theme:Hi,The contact form is hard code and it will need change the code if you want edit it. Or maybe you can try contact form 7 so you can style it with your ideas.The contact form file is: /muziq-jellyth ... Carolina LLanos Some questionsClosed   Muziq - Music Band & Musician WordPress Theme   Updated October 6, 2016 at 6:43pm   20 Most recent comment from Jelly Theme:Hi, Waiting to hear your opinion. Jonathan Rivera WordPress Version CompatibiltyClosed   Muziq - Music Band & Musician WordPress Theme   Updated October 6, 2016 at 5:43pm   9 Most recent comment from Jelly Theme:Hi,Please clear your cache before check it. Also, the media player will hide something in mobile device, it's the default design. I can't adjust it.